First of all always send replies to
The benefit is you reach hundreds of volunteers each with their own level / area of expertise. I learned most by reading answers on this mailing list or the OpenOffice forum But understand that no one is an expert on everything, hence you learn different things from each volunteer.

Now a general advice for each project you start to analyse the requirements first. Second step is to analyse the input data and how to calculate the result, don't worry about the presentation jet.

When the calculated results are done you can start thinking about the report layout. It's all like building a house
start with the foundation and the walls before you start on anything else.

On 18/03/18 5:03 AM, WA.TWORSX via AOL wrote:


I'm trying to learn from your suggested solution, and have some difficulties:

 1. I do not find any references to Sheet 2 from within your Trial #1
    sheet. For example, the formula in cell E9 uses local data (in
    $E$33;$T$44); however, the formula in cell D9 seems to obtain data
    results from your Sheet 2, but I do not see any reference to
    'Sheet 2, cell ref. I'm confused by this, even tho it appears to
    be working!  I must be missing something.

The reason you don't see a reference to Sheet 2 is that I used a Name (Ranking) in the formula. In the Formula Bar you see the selected Cell D9 when you select the Pull down arrow you see the Names I used Ranking and Score select Ranking this opens $'Sheet 2'.$C$3:$E$38 I use Names as this makes the formulas more readable.

 1. Your Sheet 2 does not include a formula within column A (Score)
    nor within column D (Player), which leads me to believe that you
    typed-entered the contents there; a lot of work!

Yes I entered the Scores and Players in Sheet 2 because it's easier to calculate the ranking.

 1. Can you tell me why there are extra spaces in some cells when the
    display formulas option is enabled on Sheet 2?

The extra spaces aren't in the displayed in the Formula Bar I have know idea why they are there.

 1. While in normal display mode (not showing formulae) on your Trial
    #1 sheet, some cells show the formula (within the formula bar)
    enclosed within braces {  } ; why is that? Any significance to
    those braces or those extra spaces, or may I simply ignore them ?
    I ask, because I want to understand better and am willing to learn
    from others.

The braces don't have any effect here I occidentally ticked the array field in the formula window and you know what happens
when you copy the formula into other cells.

 1. NOTE: There are to be 3 more tournament matches yet to take place
    over the next several weeks. So, until all bowling game scores are
    available for all bowlers the "score" data is a variable.  I do
    not see how your Sheet 2 calculations can handle that.

Because I don't know the requirements of how you want calculate the score over more tournaments you should use the
calculation method on Sheet 2 as an example only.

As mentioned in my recent post to the tread on the AOO Mail List (15 Mar, 11:21 AM), duplicate/triplicate scores and ranking are not anticipated to be a problem, since different criterion shall be used to achieve tie breaking. I believe that I have the 'ranking' part solved on My BVL Summary Trial Sheets.ods'#$*Sheet4* on file at Drop Box, see: .

If you choose not to reply to this, I will understand. However, be assured that I do appreciate all of your efforts to help. Thank you.

Best Regards,


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