Cause of my problem has been found and removed! Yes; I had copied & pasted an entire row from the original spreadsheet into my new targeted sheet, and that filled every column.

On 5/23/2018 11:51 AM, Brian Barker wrote:
At 11:03 23/05/2018 -0400, Vince Bonly wrote:
Working with an existing Calc spreadsheet, I copied it in its entirety to a new sheet. I now find that I am unable to insert a column anywhere on the new targeted sheet. When I attempt to insert a column in the targeted new sheet, I am shown the following error, which I have not ever seen before.

/*Filled cells cannot be shifted beyond the sheet.*/

I am able to insert a new row.

In any spreadsheet application, there is a limit to the number of columns (and rows) that you can use. The limits are so large that you don't usually have to have any recognition of them. But when you insert a column (or row), an existing column (or row) has to be knocked of the side or bottom of the sheet. This is fine if that column (or row) is empty - as will normally be the case - but not if it contains a value or formula. If you cannot insert a column, there must be something in the extreme right hand of the available columns; that's *available* columns, of course - not just those you can see.

So why is there something in that column? Unless your active data is unusually extensive, it is probable that you have used a technique to fill at least one row indefinitely, perhaps using Edit | Fill > | Series... or by selecting an entire row before pasting some content, which will have put content into all the possible cells of that row. The reason that you can insert new rows is simply because you have not filled any column indefinitely in the same way.

There are various solutions:
o When filling the row or rows, avoid doing so indefinitely.
o Move to the right of the spreadsheet area that you are actually meaning to use, and delete an unnecessary column or columns. This will move the rogue material at the extreme right of the relevant row in by a column or columns, leaving empty cells. You will now be able to insert a column, dropping a new, empty column off at the right.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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