At 08:39 01/10/2019 +0200, Rico Schulz wrote:

the function under Tools / "Count words" does not count the characters correctly.

I write 500 characters of text, OO tells me that I wrote only 416 characters.

But this text has exactly 243 characters, your program shows 237 characters.

Well, by my count this has 237 characters - so I think OpenOffice is right! Maybe the count of 416 was right too. (You've kept the evidence secret.) Are you perhaps counting your presses of Enter - to create paragraph breaks, not to add any additional characters in the text - as characters? Or do you have unnecessary spaces at the end of each paragraph which you are counting?

Or are you comparing the result with that from some other program, which must be the one that is suspect?

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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