Is the computer that you are using 32 bit or 64 bit? What about the Debian OS? OOo 4.1.7 is not that much different from 3.3. So, as long as you match the bit rating of OOo with Debian, 4.1.7 should run well on your Debian OS.


On 4/11/20 09:01, William Lee Valentine wrote:
I am still running Windows 2000, on one computer, and tried yesterday to
download the last version of OpenOffice (3.3) that was known to work
under Windows 2000. I was sent to a URL that simply gave me an error
message. I then sent a message to the Users Group asking for help.

I received four messages, in reply; and, by trying additional links
(several others failed as well), I located an archive that allowed me to
download version 3.3. I appreciate the replies that I received.

One suggestion that I received was to try running version 4.1.7 under
Windows 2000. I had not even considered that possibility. I am still
running version 3.2.1 under a back version of Debian (on the same
machine that houses Windows 2000), and my results have been excellent. I
have never had a problem with these old version of OpenOffice.

Thank you again for your assistance.

-- Lee Valentine

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