
I've tried looking on Community Support Forum and am not having success.

I am running HP Windows Vista to create and edit this document in Open Office 
4.1.3. Thus far, it's been the only document I've had difficulty with. Maybe 
it's important to know the document was originally created (same computer and 
OO version) april 28, 2016 and has been saved and added to since that date. 
Recently, within the past week or so, I opened the document, added an entry, 
then I believe closed and saved the document. I unplugged the computer to move 
it to another room. When I attempted to open the document (which was 
approximately 14 pages in length??), it now shows up as row upon row of 
#######. And a message box comes up asking for ASCII Filter Options. No matter 
what I seem to put in (I'm in United States, Massachusetts) it still comes up 
with #####.

On the Community Support page posts from maybe 2016, it said to try opening a 
new blank document and then choose Insert file. Still ####. I've tried to cut a 
portion of the #### into a new OO document but that doesn't fix the problem 

I've uninstalled the 4.1.3 version. I attempted to install the 4.1.7? version 
but I don't know if this is correct or what operating system to choose. Should 
I just look for the 4.1.3 version and try reinstalling that - hoping that will 
fix my ### document problem??

Thank you,
Mary Lippoth

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