
Note that the address you sent your message to is "*users*@
openoffice.apache.org". We are *users* of OpenOffice like you, not the
*maintainers* of the software.

There is a "support forum" at this address:
http://forum.openoffice.org/en/forum/ .

You might also be interested in the bug-tracking system at
http://bz.apache.org/ooo/ .

By the way, it would have been helpful if you had included a link to (or
the content of) the "Announcement of 6th January". I don't recall that
announcement, and I can't find it in the archive of messages sent to
users@openoffice.apache.org, so I can't tell what problems you are having.
Perhaps you were referring to this message that was posted on *4th* January:

From: Dave Fisher <w...@apache.org>
Subject: Re: Apache for Mac Big Sur?
Date: 2021/01/04 18:28:10
List: users@openoffice.apache.org

Hi -

What fails currently with OpenOffice on BigSur is opening Microsoft Office
Open XML files - docx, xlsx, pptx, and the rest.

A new release 4.1.9 is in the pipeline which has been confirmed by French
user forum members to fix this issue.

The release will take a week to three weeks to go through our volunteer’s
testing. If you are interested in helping test then please join the
developer list at d...@openoffice.apache.org <ma...@openoffice.apache.org>.




On Sat, Feb 6, 2021 at 3:03 AM David Shelton <da...@david-shelton.info>

> Dear Sirs,
> I use a MacBook Air which I updated to macOS 11 in december, and then had
> problems with your Open Office which I have been using for a long time.
> I read your Announcement of 6th January concerning this situation which is
> about exactly the problems I am facing.
> Could you please tell me if and when you will be releasing a new version
> to solve these problems. I am not competent enough to help in your testing,
> I just need a solution.
>  Kind regards,
> David Shelton

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