
On Thu, Mar 25, 2021 at 5:57 PM Moderator <b...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi Simon,
> In the sense that the same day an attempts were made to post this exact
> same "boiler plate" *SPAM* to at least four other open source mailing
> lists that I know of.

Fascinating. I haven't seen it on any of the others I handle.

> When this post arrived in moderation I checked and noted that it had a
> *FORGED* header.
> In light of your post, I have gone so far as trying to contact Mohamad
> Taha Mohamed at Sraco Co - Purchase Department, only to find that this
> character does *NOT* exist.
> Now, is that "sense" clear enough for you?

Good research, thanks. I could not (and cannot) see an especially useful
spam vector which is why I was happy to assume goodwill & mod it through as
it has been a common list request over the years - generally this list has
been inclusively moderated (even if reactions have often been regrettable).
I haven't seen it in any other spam traps and would do so again were it not
for your research.

> I still do not have an answer to my request for the other moderator to
> contact me. Based on information acquired over time I know that Marcus
> appointed himself as a list moderator, but our PMC have always
> considered it necessary for moderators remain anonymous.

To reach the other moderators I mail $list-owner@ - I have always found
mod-to-mod messages get a reply. Mod discussions on-list seem misplaced.

> I will repeat the same request for a clear cut, unequivocal answer I
> asked the PMC for over 10 years ago: "Why should list moderators not be
> able to identify each other". The last time this question was asked some
> of our PMC spewed out a meaningless response about privacy, blah, blah,
> blah and more BS.
> I am about the  one and only moderator for the Apache OpenOffice project
> has who actually provides clear, positive, *active* assistance to those
> who post to <list name>-ow...@openoffice.apache.org

I also reply when I have the necessary authority to help and see it in time.

> Simon, you and I are very much alike, in the respect that if we take on
> a responsibility, be it a trivial list moderation, or establishing a
> commercial entity for The Documentation Foundation, we both endeavour to
> do the the best job we possibly can.

Thanks. I try (including here).


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