My computer crashed and when I re-opened it everything else re-appeared, and 
all my Open Office documents are on my desktop, in their folders, etc. but none 
of them will open:The following message appeared:Open Office 4.1.8Either 
another instance of Open Office is accessing your personal settings or your 
personal settings are locked.Simultaneous access can lead to inconsistencies in 
your personal setting.Before continuing, you should make sure user 
'angelapressburger' closes OpenOffice on host 'angela's air'
I went to forums and read that I should:Quit Open OfficeOpen FinderEnter:  
~/Library/Application Support/OpenOffice/4 
I did all this but nothing came up; nothing at all, the Finder was blank
I am on a MacBook Air using High SierraI have been using Open Office for over 
ten years and nothing like this has ever happened before.
I am not a developper and I couldn't understand anything further in the very 
technical explanation(s) offered.
I could find a file called User Folder in Finder and the user given was me. I 
didn't rename that as I was afraid it was for my entire computer, not just Open 
Please help me with some detailed, step-by-step instructions. Thank you.
Angela Pressburger 

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