At 21:26 05/02/2022 +0000, John Silver wrote:
Is there anyway to convert a spreadsheet that was made with an array into one where the cells can be individually edited? Saving it in other format would likely work, but which format is the best to preserve color and comments?

If you want to edit individual cells, then you will be destroying the array structure, of course, so destroying the relationship the array cells previously had to other cells - forsaking the existing array formula, that is. I think you can achieve this easily by saving as "HTML Document (OpenOffice Calc)", but this works well only for single-sheet spreadsheets. In addition, it will freeze values throughout the spreadsheet, so that the effect of formulae will be lost generally, not just for the array you are concerned about. This may well not be what you want or need.

Instead, why not just edit the range containing the array itself? You have correctly observed that you cannot simply do this by editing individual cells in the array range. But, as is so often the case, Paste Special is your friend. Try this:
o Select the array range.
o Copy the selection.
o Paste the material somewhere else in the spreadsheet, but using Edit | Paste Special... (or Ctrl+Shift+V) instead of ordinary Paste. In the Paste Special dialogue, ensure Formats is ticked but that Formulae is *not* ticked.
o Copy the pasted material.
o Paste back over the original range.
o Delete the temporary copy of the material.

This technique will preserve relationships defined by formulae in your spreadsheet elsewhere than for your problem range.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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