CORRECTION, the Extension Update glitch froze a spreadsheet I had put aside in 
the Dock and forgotten was open when I tested with a couple of new documents. 
It was successfully recovered but it is still a serious glitch.


I have used LibreOffice on Linux fairly often over the past 12 years and 
occasionally on the Mac (my main computer), but I prefer OpenOffice on the Mac.

LO seems to be more fully featured than OO and some of its features are better 
implemented than the same ones in OO, but overall I find OO easier to use (for 
what I use it for, others may disagree) despite a couple of annoying issues 
(the worst is the RH side panel popping out unwanted if you happen to click on 
its opening button when scrolling up or down or when resizing a window: the 
activator should be out of the way, in the top menu panel, or at least have an 
option to move it out of the way, maybe some people actually like the 
Jack-in-a-box). The less frequent updates of OO is a plus also, obviously we 
all want to be up to date with security but other than that I see no need for 
frequent updates of a bread-and-butter application that does the job you need 
it to do, unless there is a genuine improvement, like stopping the RH panel 
from being a Jack-in-the-box, or if it needs to be updated for compatibility 
with an OS update.

So overall I am content to stay with OO rather than move to LO (I do have LO 
installed, but I rarely use it), and unless OO and LO can be successfully 
merged, with options to allow users to configure the merged app to work the way 
they want to work, I would not want to see OO “wound down and shuttered”.

All Flaviu Tamas needs to do, after all, is to uninstall OO and use LO, problem 
solved for him without denying others what for them is a useful alternative. 
Who is he anyway, to try to dictate that we should all use the app he prefers? 
That seems pretty arrogant to me, he should not assume that he knows what is 
best for me better than I do. He is probably like my father, who used to say, 
when he owned a 1928 Dodge, “If you can’t afford a Dodge, dodge a Ford”, then 
changed it to, “If you can’t afford a Ford, dodge a Dodge” when he bought a 
1953 Ford Customline, i.e. "I am such an expert that whatever I buy / have / 
use is automatically what everyone else should buy / have / use. Flaviu should 
just use the app he/she prefers and let others continue to have access to the 
one they prefer, and I am surprised that nobody else has told him/her that 

There is an annoying glitch in the recent OO Mac update that seems to make the 
case for not updating without good reason. When an OO document is opened now, 
the green update arrow appears in the main menu bar, but when you click on it 
it doesn’t work properly. For a while it opened an initially transparent 
Extension Manager window offering a Spelling dictionary when you clicked it 
visible, but clicking on it froze the application and it had to be Force Quit 
and reopened. The app's data recovery feature minimised data loss, but it was 
still a nuisance. I have been ignoring the green arrow to circumvent the 
problem, but have just tried it again (with a new document, so as not to risk 
compromising a real one), and now the problem seems to be half fixed, clicking 
on the green arrow in the main menu bar doesn’t do anything, not even offer a 
genuine extension update, so at least the app no longer freezes. But this is a 
good example of why I am normally a late updater, because new updates of the OS 
or an app often have glitches in them that I would much rather have discovered 
by other people than discover myself, hence my dislike of LO’s much more 
frequent updates, I haven’t had problems with them, but the more frequent they 
are the greater is the risk, so I prefer less frequent and better tested 
updates, and the glitch in recent OO update is a significant disappointment.


> On 23 Jun 2022, at 5:16 pm, Frank McIsaac <> wrote:
> Well said FC
> Regards
> Snapafun - Frank&Jan
> Rock'n'Rolling Forever
> On Thu, 23 Jun 2022, 6:20 pm Fernando Cassia, <> wrote:
>> On 22/06/2022, Flaviu Tamas <> wrote:
>>> Why hasn't OpenOffice been wound down & shuttered?
>>> The existence of the website makes users assume that OpenOffice is
>>> still actively being developed
>> It is.
>>> when those users would be much better
>>> served migrating to LibreOffice.
>> Speak for yourself. I for one wouldn' t touch LO with a 10ft pole.
>>> I've seen this conversation several times over the past few years in
>>> various open source communities.
>> Cows see a lot of trains pass by while pasturing, and that doesn' t
>> make the cows train engineers.
>>> At the very least, a prominent notice that users should use
>>> LibreOffice on the main OpenOffice site would be nice.
>> Please, go away,
>> FC
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