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From: Eliza B. Hill <>
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2022 8:37:34 AM
To: <>
Subject: Apache open office v Microsoft

Thank you for opening my mail. Please could you forward my inquiry to a 
technical support officer. I have tried various forms of contact; all have 

I operate Open Office for writing and publishing my books and one vital 
operation has been affected after I completed a Microsoft update  for windows 
10. After closing down and twenty fours hours later, I returned to my book and 
discovered that both thesaurus & spell checker failed to operate thus leaving 
no dictionary/grammar. This is a huge concern albeit a minor one for Apache 
Open Office.
Local computer companies and software technicians are flummoxed. PLEASE can you 
help me?
I enclose response from Microsoft.

With best wishes
Eliza B. Hill

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