The median is found by adding the "middle values" and dividing by two so the 
answer is 124.5. 
B12 contains 121 and 121 is not equal to 124.5. If cell B12 contained 124.5, 
then the answer would be Yes rather than No. 
You could write a macro to determine "between" or just write the comparisons. 
If you have only two values it might look something like this: 

=IF(AND(MIN(120,129) < B12,B12 < MAX(120,129)),"Yes","No")

On Tuesday, August 23, 2022 09:36 EDT, David Stuhr 
<> wrote:

Can the Median function in Open Office Spreadsheet be used as a between

When the following equation is entered


and cell B12 contains 121 formatted as Number General the equation
returns No.

I have also tested the equation with the values 120 and 129 replaced by
cell references and the same false value (No) is returned.

I have also replace the value of cell B12 with the value 118 and the
same false value (No) is returned.

All of my research on the web indicates that this equation works in
other spreadsheet products.

I am using Open Office 4.1.13 on a Windows 11 PC.

Am I doing something incorrectly?




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