
I am using AOO 4.1.12 under Slackware Linux 4.4.301, xfce4, mariadb 1.0.38, mysql-connector-java 5.1.42. Note that I am not using the AOO Base internal server, but mariadb as an external server and the mysql connector in the middle.

I am getting some strange, inconsistent with sorting norms and expectations, form name sorting under the Forms option in AOO Base. I just tried renaming my database forms with a dash (-) prefix in order to force those names to the top of the list, i.e.:


after renaming becomes:


I cannot place the dash before "inventories" because that is the database name and as such cannot be changed or other failures will occur. However, as a result the AOO Forms list sorting becomes as this snippet shows:


Since when is a dash character subordinate to a lower-case character ("a" in the above case), let alone _any_ alpha-numeric character!? I was hoping the dash would force the listing to go to the head of the list, before any lower case entries.

Is there any way to correct this and get it to sort properly, or is this a bug?



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