I'm getting a "Document in Use" error.
Document file '2022-09-29myfilename.doc' is locked for editing by:

Linda Hull (03.11.2022 14:33)

Open document read-only or open a copy of the document for editing.

[Open Read Only] [Open Copy] [Cancel]


When I clicked either 'Open Read Only' or 'Open Copy', I get a different

OpenOffice 4.1.11
This is not a WinWord97 file.


If I click OK it closes the file.

I'm on Windows 10.  I did nothing to lock the file(s) which behave this way.
Thankfully I made a .pdf of it so I have a copy of this one to work from,
but I'd still like to be able to access my originals. What can I do?

Thanks for your help!


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