1.      Make the font size bigger, then make the row height bigger, to fit the 
selected font size, or select optimal height to have the spreadsheet 
automatically adjust the row height for the text size, and also to auto-adjust 
for multiple lines of text in a cell if you use text wrapping, and finally 
adjust the cell width to fit the larger text or to determine where to wrap it.

•       If it is possible to change the default font size I don't know how, but 
if you create a template with the settings you prefer and save it as stationery 
you can open a new document that is ready to use without having to change font 
sizes etc.

2.      I don’t know how Windows deals with this but I believe OO and LO are 
pretty consistent across platforms (they certainly are on Mac and Linux, that 
is one of their ’selling’ points), so try copying the data in the Word document 
and using Edit / Paste Special / Paste Special… (in the first Paste Special 
menu), and in the next dialog box select “Use text import dialog”, then OK. 
Using LO on the Mac (I’ve recently switched from OO) that placed a group of tab 
or return separated numbers (see below) from a text document into different 
cells in the spreadsheet and made them able to be used in it (a simple copy and 
paste does not do this, it ignores the tabs and puts a whole row of numbers 
into a single cell). I’m pretty sure OO did the much same on the Mac and it 
should be pretty similar on Windows. Expert users probably have a better way of 
doing this, which could be worth learning if you are doing it often, but if you 
only do it occasionally and this works for you why waste time and effort 
learning to become an expert, just use the tools that you already have to hand.

123     456     789
987     654     321

This group of numbers was pasted into a spreadsheet as described above.

123     456     789     
987     654     321     

1110    1110    1110    

And these calculations were performed on them (the imported text size has been 
adjusted to be the same as the other text in this document).

•       If I have misunderstood and you are copying from a Spreadsheet to a 
text document, a simple copy and paste should work, though some text resizing 
and tidying up may be required. To copy largish portions of a sheet you could 
make a screen pic of the portion you want to use and insert that into your text 
document, but it will be displayed as a graphics object instead of being 
integrated into the text. If all that you want is a particular sheet or a 
selected portion of a sheet, with no other text or data that is not in the 
spreadsheet itself, it may be better just to save the selected portion of the 
spreadsheet as a PDF document, e.g. my wife operates a very small business and 
I do her monthly invoices that way and email out the PDF documents, because we 
can’t justify the cost of proper invoicing software for such a micro-business.

3.      Sorry, I’m not sure what’s happening there, maybe a Windows issue or 
maybe an OO setting that I’ve forgotten exists, or maybe something else 

I hope some of this may be of use to you,


> On 7 Nov 2022, at 4:03 am, Linda Hull <chalcedony6...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm on Windows 10, Open Office 4.1.11.
> I'd like to:
> 1. Make the cells and text in a Calc spreadsheet larger, easier to read.
> 2. Put data on a spreadsheet that appears in a Writer document.  I send
> simple letters, don't know page styles etc.
> Are there directions somewhere or can someone explain the steps?
> 3. In the past, when I've saved and reopened a spreadsheet, the headings I
> put in appear lower down.  Is there a way to make them stay at the top?
> Thanks so much!
> Linda

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