At 16:15 10/11/2022 +0000, Robin Lord wrote:
Does the spell checker work with other files, i have had a single file that did not spell check. ... the only solution i could find was to cut and paste all the text into notepad and grin there cut and paste it back into a new document in OO ...

That's almost certainly a brute-force technique for a problem which could have been solved more simply - and without damaging the existing formatting, all of which you would lose using your method.

What's likely here is that your text was either marked as being in some language (or language variant) for which you did not have a spelling dictionary installed or marked "None (Do not check spelling)". You can resolve the problem simply by correcting the language setting appropriately. Your journey into and out of Notepad, which does not recognise attributes such as language, will have removed the setting, and the text will have assumed the default language of your new document.

Note that this problem can be caused by pasting material in from another source, where the language property (or the "None" setting) may be carried over. You can avoid this by using Edit | Paste Special.. (or Ctrl+Shift+V) instead of ordinary Paste and choosing "Unformatted text" in the Paste Special dialogue. That way, the pasted material inherits the language property of surrounding text.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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