At 19:59 05/08/2023 -0500, Chris Ponly wrote:
my process:
capture radio data to 'csv' file
then import csv file into Calc
then in Calc, i select the cells i want to chart (eg. frequency vs. amplitude)... then i click the 'chart' icon, Calc 'thinks' for a sec, clears the data selection and pops up
the chart options dialog with no 'data' in the preview.

Are you sure that your values are numbers (as you need) and not text (which won't work)? Go to View | Value Highlighting (or Ctrl+F8). Numbers (that you need) will show up in blue but text (that you don't) in black.

You may be able to get numbers by assembling your data in a different way or by importing it differently. Alternatively, you can convert text to numbers using the VALUE() function or - perhaps more easily - using Data | Text to Columns... (one column at a time).

now if manually generate, say, random data in Calc, and try to chart it... it works fine, any which way....

Those are probably numbers.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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