Dear Wonderful Open Office People,

I want to send a letter, either paper or electronically, with an
appropriate background image. I have Windows 10 and Open Office 4.1.13.

I found an image, cropped it, opening it in Open Office, I get one image in
the middle of the page and even though I specified Writer, it's in Draw, OR
I get 3 or 4 images in one, in Writer.

I only want one page. If it goes to page 2, then another one maybe. Or
possibly just the background without the frame and flowers.

I'm following the directions here:

How to Add a Background Image to an OpenOffice Document
by Jacob Michael

Jacob says to write the letter first. I decided to see if I could get the
background first, because the flowers might make it difficult to read the
text. Does having text on the page make a difference? - Answer The text
flows across all 3 background images.

* I can't see how to make the margins control the text in OO 4.1.13?

[Solved] Multiple pages on screen - From 2016
I don't see what they are talking about at the bottom.

I should note that I tried reducing the size of the image once, but the
preview looked the same.

I now changed it from .png to .jpg - it opens in Draw not Word.

Years ago I experimented with plain colored backgrounds and that worked
fine. How do I get the background image to fit the page and see ONE page to
work on, in Writer 4.1.13?


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