Thanks for the information.

Thank you
Nancy Shiffrin

-----Original Message-----
From: <>
Sent: May 11, 2024 2:10 AM
To: <>
Subject: AVG &amp; Avast have cause problems with a file in Open Office

The file crashed in Open Office because of installing Avast
anti-virus software. This file is where I kept all passwords, usernames,
and websites and other things. That file was extremely important to me!
The first time I had AVG anti-virus and that software caused me not to be
able to get into that same file. I had to pay a computer repair company
help me get into the file and they figured out it was AVG, so I went to
Avast and Avast actually caused that file to crash! What the!!! Do I have
to hire someone again to get that file back or is it history? Help, Please!

Kind Regards

Charlene Bugg

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