Mark C. Miller wrote:
> On Fri, 11 Sep 2009 18:16:21 -0700, Tommy27 wrote:
>> Keith Bates-2 wrote:
>>> Excuse the top posting, but  I really think that this "discussion" (for
>>> want of a batter word) should have been stopped a couple of days ago.
>> you can't stop what is unstoppable.
>> the petition count is now 296, despite insults and discredit attempts
>> from some Renaissance/RibbOOon/Ribbon lovers
> n=296 out of how many users?  Doesn't sound like the petition will have 
> much impact.  Maybe we should start getting used to the idea?
> mcm
To Users and mcm: If the petition does not convince the developers to
come to their senses, how about refusing to upgrade to the MSFT clone
they want to produce? I believe that counts, also!!! I did not start
using OOo because I could not use MSFT or other programs, only to end up
with MSFT GARBAGE ANYWAY!!!!! I wish, to those who are Linux users, that
I had had a better experience with Linux, I guarantee you I would NOT be
using MSFT ANYTHING, NOW, IF IT HAD GONE THAT WAY! You could say that at
heart I am a LINUX TROLL!!! :-)

Old Sarge-John Boyle

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