2009/11/9 Harold Fuchs <hwfa.openoff...@googlemail.com>:
> 2009/11/9 Walter Hildebrandt <wh2...@gmail.com>
>> What does 0 mean and what is its effect in various condition?
> In a numeric context, 0 means zero.
> If you try to treat *text* in a numeric context then the text will usually
> be treated as zero.
>>  For example : When I got the formula =A1-40+IF(A1>40;STYLE("RedText");0),
>> I
>> was told “The STYLE function always returns 0, so the formula is
>> mathematically
>> equal to A1-40+0”
> Correct. I don't know where you got that formula but it doesn't do anything
> useful. See below.

Depends on what is useful… It calculates A1-40 and if A1>40 the the
cell will use the style ”RedText”. If not, it will use the current
style. In both cases, the return value is 0, so the result won't

As I probably already said whan I very quickly made this formula,
there are other ways to do this, but since all methods that I knew of
already were suggested, I suggested this one as a start, ready for

>> What is effect of the 0 at the end of the formula?
> The syntax of an IF consists of three components:
>   1. the condition
>   2. what to do if the condition is true
>   3. what to do if the condition is false
> These are separated by semicolons. Thus your IF, which is
>    IF(A1>40;STYLE("RedText");0)
> says
>   if the contents of cell A1 is greater than 40  [#1, the condition]
>      set the current cell's value to STYLE("RedText")   [#2, what to do if
> the condition is true]
>   otherwise set the current cell's value to zero    [#3, what to do if the
> condition is false]
> However, all this is nonsense. Calc's Help on the Style function tells us
> that its syntax is nothing like the one you cited and that it doesn't do
> anything like what you've been told. I quote:

Still, it  works. Of course I tested it before sent my message.

> ======== begin quote ====
> Syntax
> STYLE(style;time;style2)
> Style is the name of a cell style assigned to the cell. Style names must be
> entered in quotation marks.
> Time is an optional time range in seconds. If this parameter is missing the
> style will not be changed after a certain amount of time has passed.
> Style2 is the optional name of a cell style assigned to the cell after a
> certain amount of time has passed. If this parameter is missing "Standard"
> is assumed.
> ===end quote ===
>>  For example if “Negative numbers red” is selected (is checked) when
>> formatting cells, 0:[RED]-0 appears in the Format code box.
>>  For example I was told “Enter something like this in the format code
>> field:
>> 0"%" This will just add the % character right after the number, but the
>> number will still act as an ordinary number.”
> "Something like" is probably true depending on your definition of the
> phrase. A dog is something like a horse, perhaps: 4 legs, tail, hair, friend
> of mankind. But ...
>>  Also when entering the O, under different conditions, Is the 0 a zero or a
>> capital letter?
> usually zero. A bare (unquoted) letter O would normally only be meaningful
> if you had *named* something (like a print-range) "O".
> Why don't you use the Conditional Formatting menu to do what you want?
> --
> Harold Fuchs
> London, England
> Please reply *only* to users@openoffice.org

Johnny Rosenberg

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