2010/1/8 Web Kracked <webmas...@krackedpress.com>:
> Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
>> Well, I downloaded OpenOffice.org 3.2 RC1 from the
>> http://www.openoffice.org/ site, unpacked and installed from a
>> terminal with ”dpkg -i *.deb” in the DEBS folder and then the same
>> thing in the ”desktop-integration” folder.
> Well every time I use the dpkg -i command, the scrolling messages all seem
> to be "skipped . . . . ", i.e. it skipped all of the .deb packages. Of
> course, some times
> with the .sh file "install", the shell program created a folder with the
> files in it and
> I cannot edit any .xml files or delete the files or folders. I keep getting
> the error that
> I am not the owner of the files or the folder and do not have the permission
> to
> to do the commands I typed in [or through the GUI folder viewing package]

Nothing was skipped as far as I could see when installing. However, I
think I typed ”sudo dpkg -i *.deb”, not only ”dpkg -i *.deb”.

> Well, with Linux I will wait for a while hoping for 3.2 to come to one of my
> repositories.
> For Windows, I install it in a _beta folder instead of the default Programs
> Folder.
> This way I can try 3.2.x without messing with 3.1.1. Also this way I can
> compare the two
> "side-by-side" with the same documents.
> It would be nice, though, if there is no need to go beyond RC2 before the
> "official
> release" come out. It would be great for it to be out by the end of the
> month, or
> early February. Then when Ubuntu comes out with its new update and
> repository,
> OOo 3.2 will be in it.
> Today Ubuntu finally went from 2.6.31-16-generic to version -17 for the
> 32-bit Ubuntu
> and from -14 to -16 for the 64-bit version. As said before in other threads,
> it takes a
> few months for Ubuntu to add the newest version of OOo to their
> repositories.

Apart from the auto save behaviour, I really like the new 3.2. I
noticed that they added some features that I really need, like the
UNICODE() and UNICHAR() cell functions. I also noticed that they added
a feature that I asked for back in the OpenOffice.org 1.0 era…! Click
Format → Conditional formatting…. Note the new button in the dialogue.
I asked for it almost ten years ago (unfortunately I can't find it in
issuezilla, though). It's the button that lets you create a new style
while the Conditional formatting dialogue is open. It's a very small
feature, but I like it.

> I will try again, when 3.2 non-RC is out, the dpkg -i *.deb command on both
> of my
> Ubuntu systems. I try to make sure the "same version" is installed on the
> Win Vista
> laptop, the Ubuntu 64-bit laptop, and the Ubuntu 32-bit desktop server. No
> more
> having one with 3.0.x, and another with 3.1.0 and the last one 3.1.1. All
> are not running
> 3.1.1 and will be running 3.2 when it comes out.
> THANKS for reminding me what the command is for installing the multiple .deb
> files
> that are extracted from the install file. I will write it down again.

Don't forget the sudo part…
> Tim Lungstrom.
> retired and tired of needing to use MS for some of my work.

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