Mark Traceur wrote:
Just a quick note to ask:

In all your years fighting for freedom of speech, and against
communism, did you ever stop to think that maybe the two aren't direct
opposites? I'd love to hear your answer to that. While you're at it,
what do you think of Open Source in general?


I sure would like to know how two totally opposite ideas can't be opposites! The Communists, ever since Karl Marx, have CLEARLY stated the individual has to tow the party line and CANNOT EVEN HAVE AN OPINION DIFFERENT TO THE PARTY'S! If that is not clear enough to you, then there is nothing more I can say! As for Open source, I happen to think it is a good way to go, if people allow each other the right to their OWN Opinion, on occasion! I can say this latest episode has been an eye opener to me, SADLY, and proves this country and this world is ripe for the final coming of Christ and his VENGEANCE! HOW YOU LIKE THAT FOR "SPAM"! Cheesh, how people can try to twist a simple statement of belief into their own agenda of wastage, I wish I knew! COMMUNISM is the TOTAL ENEMY OF FREE SPEECH, ALWAYS HAS BEEN AND ALWAYS WILL BE! :-( >:o Please study your history and even CURRENT EVENTS! Stop being so sleazy! :-(

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