Cor Nouws wrote (14-03-10 16:48)
NoOp wrote (13-03-10 03:34)
Cor, can you test this with your 3.1x version? I'm sick (bad cold) and
can't seem to locate my old 3.1x downloads at the moment.

The document from 03/08/2010 12:25 PM, Pedro Izecksohn , TableVI-3.odt, opens the same in 3.2.0 and 3.1.1 on Ubuntu 9.10. both with the same table in it.
So I see no problems.

So I had a quick look at the thread ;-)

when saving the .odt as .doc and opening again:

3.1.1 (Sun build) preserves the table
3.2.0 (Sun build) has no table
DEV300_m72  has no table
   (m74 is the last one, have not installed that)

Also opening the .doc created in 3.1.1 in 3.2.0 and m72 has the table.
So the problem is on saving as .doc.

Best regards,

 >> Your office 2010 software: the new <<

Cor Nouws
  - ideas/remarks for the community council?

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