On 28 June 2010 03:01, In-Betweener

> "Bob Long" <b...@oblong.com.au> escreveu na mensagem
> news:i03dtq$c2...@dough.gmane.org...
>> InBetweener wrote,
>>  (...)
>> I'm no mathematician, so I may be missing something. But I'm still not
>> clear on what the problem is. Do you want to be able to have, as the result:
>> the letter x followed by the letter R, with a bar over the top of that R,
>> then followed by the letter y?
>> If so, why does
>> x overline R y
>> not suit?
> Because it is not what I need. I don't want a bar *over the top* of R (or
> whatever can be in its place). I need a *slash* occupying the same space
> where the R (or whatever) is.

Your original question was (I quote):
I'm somewhat familiar with Microsoft Equation Editor (inside MS Word). Few
days ago, I started using OpenOffice Math. I liked it
very much, but I can't do some things with it. For example, with MS EE, if
I'd like to say that (x,y) in R I did write xRy, which
may be done with OO Math alike. But MS EE allows me to say that not (x,y) in
R by writing xR/y, but with the slash *over* the R. By
the way, this effect of "slashing" can be done with almost any letter or
symbol in MS EE. I simply don't know how to get the same
effect with OO Math.

Note in particular your words "but with the slash *over* the R" (my
emphasis). Now it seems that what you really mean is "a slash *through* the
R" similar, for example, to the symbol used for American cents which is a
lower case "c" with a slash *through* it. Is this what you mean? If not,
please post a *visible* example.

Harold Fuchs
London, England
Please reply *only* to users@openoffice.org

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