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On 2011/03/15 2:40 PM  James Wilde wrote:
Lisa, that's a Mac thing rather than an OOo thing. In Finder, mark a document of the type you want to open in something else, and right click on Get info. I'm going to assume you want to open, say .doc files in MS Word. So click on a .doc file in Finder and select Get info.

You will see a tall, thin window open with info on that doc file. A little over half way down you'll see a section headed Open with: and here you will see Open Office. Click on the arrows at the right end of that field and see if MS Word is on the list. If it is, select it. If it isn't select Other and another window will open where you can search for MSWord and mark it. Now you will see MSWord instead of Open Office in the Open with field. In the same area, you will see a button marked Change All... Click on that, and confirm, and all files that end with .doc will now open in MSWord. You would have to do the same with .docx, and with spreadsheets, whatever they are called in MSOffice, and anything else that Open Office opens that you don't want it to.

I suggest that you don't change files ending with .ods, .odt etc, as these are files created in Open Office, and may not convert properly to MSWord documents. If you want to convert these documents also, you'll have to open them in Open Office and save them as the MS equivalent. Check afterwards that these new files will then open in MSOffice and change if necessary. If you convert in this way, you should then move the original .ods, .odt file etc to Trash.

Hope this helps.


On Mar 15, 2011, at 13:37 , Lisa Dee wrote:

I have installed OpenOffice on my MacBook Pro as a favor to my employer. Now every document, regardless of file extension, is automatically launched through OpenOffice. How do I change OO so that it is NOT my default app?

Lisa Dee


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Larry I. Gusaas
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada
Website: http://larry-gusaas.com
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Edgard Varese

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