Daryl Sayers schrieb:

>>>>>> "NoOp" == NoOp  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> On 03/20/2007 02:57 PM, Daryl Sayers wrote:
>>> For administrative reasons I wish to change the location where OOo puts
>>> it temporary files from /tmp/ to somewhere like /var/tmp which may
>>> (or may not) be on another disk. I am not able to find the mechanism to
>>> allow me to do this. Is there an environment variable or a config file
>>> that I need to modify??
>> Tools|Options|Openoffice.org|Paths|Temporary files|Edit
> Thanks for that. Yes that works but I neglected to make myself clear on what
> I really wanted. I would like a global solution. We have several users using
> OpenOffice.org and I would like a solution that does not require each user
> to change these paths in his/her local settings.

You can edit the setting globally in



Mathias Bauer (mba) - Project Lead OpenOffice.org Writer
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