While I think the whole community would like to see you complete step 4 it
is not neseccary to remove MS Office Immediately.

OpenOffice and MS Office can reside on the same machine.
If they're both on the same machine you may not want OO to load (open) MS
format files by default.

Just choose to save each MS format file type (*.doc, *.xls *.ppt) the MS
Office Compatability section of the OO install process

On 29/03/07, Dick Barmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

victor guarino wrote:
> Today I learned of openoffice and heartily want to
> become a contributing member and to help the
> membership grow. A salesperson told me of its
> existence. He guided mw to 1. Got to openoffice.org
> and download the .exe file for Windows.2.Intall
> openoffice.3.Verify that it works, and 4 remove any
> instances od MS Office.
> I got home and immediately followed through. It was
> working fine until it got into the 70's folders where
> it reported some disc error. I clicked on run to
> continue to installation but got nowhere.Is there
> something I did wrong? I'd appreciate any advice you
> can give.
> Thankyou,
> Victor Guarino; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I do not know what your problem is but when I have one I go to the
OpenOffice Forum and join. They are very helpful. There is a link on Open
Office home page. I have it bookmarked but I am in Windows now and all the
info I keep is in Linux.
> ____________________________________________________________

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