reinvestment=left lbrace binom {a×p if p>0} {0 otherwise} right rbrace
reinvestment=left lbrace binom {a·p if p>0} {0 otherwise} right rbrace
reinvestment=left lbrace binom {ap if p>0} {0 otherwise} right rbrace
depending on what multiplication character you prefer...

Johnny Rosenberg

2007/8/15, Marshall Feldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> I am trying to use OOo Math for equations and other relationships that
> take
> on different values depending on a specific circumstance. For example, a
> business will reinvest a portion of its profits if profits are positive
> and
> will reinvest nothing otherwise. The equation display would then have
> "reinvestment = {" vertically centered and, to the right, "a x p if p > 0"
> on the top line and "0 otherwise" on the second line. The curly bracket,
> "{", should expand to be as tall as the two lines to the right. More
> generally, the relationship might have several stacked lines of symbols to
> the left, followed by an expanding right curly bracket, some vertically
> centered component in the middle, an expanding left curly bracket, and
> several stacked lines of symbols to the right.
> How does one accomplish this in OOo Math?
>             Marsh Feldman
>             marsh @

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