I have adjusted line thicknesses many times before, but this time I noticed
something odd. I am talking about right clicking on a rectangle, selecting
Lines and then trying to adjust its thickness. As I remember it I always
adjusted this in millimeters before, but suddenly it is inches!

I checked Tools - Options and whrever I looked everything was set to
millimeters, so why does this parameter show up in inches?

The document was created in Windows XP, edited in Ubuntu 7.04 and Windows XP
(edited from an USB mp3 player) and now it is finally back on my
ext3-partition. No matter I used Windows XP or Ubuntu, the line thickness
was in inches. Everything else in millimeters as it should (since I set it
to millimeters).

Bug? Or is there another parameter to set that I couldn't find? I could also
accept pica or points.

Johnny Rosenberg

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