On Sunday 30 September 2007 07:12:17 James Knott wrote:
> > On Saturday 29 September 2007 23:03:41 Fred A. Miller wrote:
> >> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >>> On Saturday 29 September 2007 18:48:50 S. A. Gnezdov wrote:
> >>>> Windows can't support every file format in
> >>>> the planet.
> >>>
> >>> But that is exactly what Microsoft is trying to do.
> >>
> >> NOT hardly. ONLY if they're put into a very tight bind do they
> >> even attempt it.
> >>
> >> Fred
> >
> > And just how do you know they aren't. Just look at their track
> > record.
> >
> > If they don't want to do exactly what I said they would not be
> > trying to get OOXML ISO approved. What would be the point? We
> > already have an ISO approved OpenDocument Format. We do we need
> > two?
> >
> > Microsoft does not want to cooperate with other software
> > manufactures. Look at all the things we have two of and the
> > ones that Microsoft made only work on Microsoft but the others
> > work on all OSs. Does it look like Microsoft is trying to work
> > with the rest of the software manufactures? Why is Microsoft
> > the only one that is different? Everyone else uses the
> > established standards. Microsoft creates their own.
> >
> > So, what were you saying? I don't think any one heard you.
> I suggest you go back and read your own messages, as you're
> arguing against yourself.  You claimed they support all file
> formats.  That means they'd happily work with ODF, Word Perfect,
> PC Write or whatever files.  You then talk about them pushing
> OOXML on ISO as a standard, rather than work with the existing
> ODF standard.  Which is it?

No what I was saying is that Microsoft wants to dominate/control the 
file formats that are most used and popular. For them to do that 
they either have to some how gain control of the formats they have 
nothing to do with currently or replace them with their own. I said 
they were trying. I did not say it would happen.

Microsoft wants to be on top and does not want to share that with 
any one and they will try to do whatever they can to achieve that 
goal. I don't think they will succeed. I do not support or believe 
in the Microsoft philosophy. I do not buy their software or their 

The heads of Microsoft are not stupid. They are very good at what 
they do. The company markets themselves and their products and does 
a very good job at selling the same. Do I think they have good 
products? No. I do, however, think they do a very good job moving 
their crappy products. You don't become a dominate market leader 
with crappy products if you don't have a good marketing strategy 
and a good sales record. Microsoft is a force to be reckoned with, 
but they can be brought down by understanding them and putting a 
very organized campaign together to defeat them or at least take 
away a large chunk of their market share.

Until the Linux community understands Microsoft's strategy and goal 
and how they are getting it done, the Linux community will not 
remove Microsoft from their dominate place on the desktop. I do 
think the Linux community is moving in that direction. I believe 
the office suite is where Linux will be able to penetrate the 
Microsoft dominance, IF the OOXML fails to become a standard. 
Governments are requiring the use of Open source file formats and 
Microsoft knows that they will lose major market share to 
OpenOffice.org if they are unsuccessful in their effort to get 
OOXML approved. Once OpenOffice.org can become the dominate player 
or close to it, that will open the door to more people looking at 
and trying Linux. Once that happens then the dominance on the 
desktop will shift. What will happen when that shift begins is 
completely unknown. The only thing I believe is that Microsoft 
won't have the major dominating postion they have now. They might 
be able to stay in the lead but that lead will shrink.

Compare the Software industry battle to the American Auto 
manufactures and the Japanese Auto manufactures from the 1970s to 
the present. There is a similarity in attitude and market share 
dominance and a major shift did happen. We will see something 

-- See the OpenOffice.org FAQ
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friendly Linux experience!

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