Eduardo wrote:

> Please show me how to get the version OpenOffice 1.1.2,
I don't know if that is source code, or a precompiled binary.
(I'll also point out that the UI language choices are Afrikaans, Zulu,
and Northern Sutho.)
should link to a precompiled binary for OOo 1.1.3-ZA.   You can select
the UI language after you've installed it on windows. (English,
Afrikaans, Xhosa, Northern Sutho, and one of the other official
languages of South Africa.)
is the precompiled Linux binary for OOo 1.1.3-ZA

My suggestion would be to switch either to OOo 1.1.5, or OOo 2.3.0.

The current/most recently released version is OOo 2.3.0.  My
suggestion is to use that, if your system has the RAM and CPU for it.

>envienmelo against reimbursement, since internet can not achieve

I'm not sure what you are asking for there, but you can download OOo for gratis.


OOo can not correct for incompetence in creating documents from MSO.
Furthermore,OOo can not compensate for the defective and flawed
security measures used by Microsoft. As such, before using this product
for exams that require faulty and defective software, ensure that you
will not be unjustly penalized for the incompetence of the organization
that requires the use of software that is known to be flawed,
defective, bug-ridden, and fails to meet ISO file format standards.

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