Keith Bates wrote:

Just did a rough test. Printing 3 copies of one document:

Printing through OOo-- took 6 min 15 sec.
Printing 3 copies of pdf from evince-- 2 minutes 40 sec.

Obviously that doesn't include the time of converting to pdf which is

That is very interesting and suggests that there really is a problem in
the way OOo produces its postcript

I just did a rough test, printing 5 copies of one document. There was no appreciable difference between printing directly from a PDF copy (using Adobe acrobat) and printing from an odt file and the printout was about or equal to maximum printer speed.

I usually use the postscript drivers for both the local HP printer and large professional Xerox printers and have never noticed printing being to be particularly slow on either, or slower than HP printing. Sometimes it is slow, mostly not.

So whatever this problem is, it doesn’t effect all printers. Note that all printers here at work are on a network. Might that make a difference? I don’t have postscript on my home printer so can’t test there.

Or does OOo perhaps use particular libraries, such as those that come with Ghostscript, if it finds them?

Jim Allan

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