Hi Michael,
You can try this:

from openturns import *from math import sqrt
def functionCrue(X) :
    Q, Ks, Zv, Zm, Hd, Zb, L, B = X
    alpha = (Zm - Zv)/L
    H = (Q/(Ks*B*sqrt(alpha)))**(3.0/5.0)
    Zc = H + Zv
    Zd = Zb + Hd
    S = Zc - Zd
    return [H,S]
myFunction = PythonFunction(8, 2, functionCrue)
f = SymbolicFunction(["Q", "Ks", "Zv", "Zm", "Hd", "Zb", "L", "B"], 
["(Q/(Ks*B*sqrt((Zm - Zv)/L)))^(3.0/5.0)", "Zv - (Zb + Hd)"])g = 
SymbolicFunction(["x", "y"], ["x", "x + y"])
mySymbolicFunction = ComposedFunction(g, f)
# To check that everything is oksize = 1000sample = 
ComposedDistribution([Uniform(1.0, 2.0), Uniform(1.0, 2.0), Uniform(1.0, 2.0), 
Uniform(3.0, 4.0), Uniform(1.0, 2.0), Uniform(1.0, 2.0), Uniform(1.0, 2.0), 
Uniform(1.0, 2.0)]).getSample(size)
delta = myFunction(sample) - 

It is not a generic solution as it uses the specific structure of your formulas 
but it works. Concerning the performance, the solution based on PythonFunction 
gives a speed of 73473 evals/s, the solution based on a composition of symbolic 
functions gives a speed of 1616000 evals/s (22x faster) and the solution using 
only one symbolic function where H is duplicated gives a speed of 2121000 
evals/s (29x faster). If you want to perform a large sample Monte Carlo 
simulation it may change things...
 Le mercredi 14 février 2018 à 12:31:01 UTC+1, BAUDIN Michael 
<michael.bau...@edf.fr> a écrit : 



I have a symbolic function that I would like to simplify and I do not see how.


Here is the test case. The function has 8 inputs and 2 outputs. In Python it is 
simple to define :


def functionCrue(X) :

    Q, Ks, Zv, Zm, Hd, Zb, L, B = X

    alpha = (Zm - Zv)/L

    H = (Q/(Ks*B*sqrt(alpha)))**(3.0/5.0)

    Zc = H + Zv

    Zd = Zb + Hd

    S = Zc - Zd

    return [H,S]

myFunction = PythonFunction(8, 2, functionCrue)


As you can see, the code is simplified by intermediate variables which are used 
by subsequent Python statements. For exemple, the slope of the river alpha is 
first computed, then the height H is computed depending on the slope. Then the 
variable S is computed based on Zc and Zd, where Zc is computed depending on 
the height H. 


When I define the function as a symbolic function, the current definition is 
more involved. 


inputs = ['Q', 'Ks', 'Zv', 'Zm', 'Hd', 'Zb', 'L', 'B']

formulas = ['(Q/(Ks*B*sqrt((Zm - Zv)/L)))^(3.0/5.0)','(Q/(Ks*B*sqrt((Zm - 
Zv)/L)))^(3.0/5.0)+Zv-(Zb + Hd)']

myFunction = SymbolicFunction(inputs, formulas)


As you can see, I cannot reuse the value of the first output into the second 


The following interface would be much easier to use. The formulas variable is a 
list of couples, where the first item is the name of the output variable and 
the second item is the string to evaluate it.


inputs = ['Q', 'Ks', 'Zv', 'Zm', 'Hd', 'Zb', 'L', 'B']

output1 = [‘alpha’, '(Zm - Zv)/L']

output2 = [‘H’, '(Q/(Ks*B*sqrt(alpha)))^(3.0/5.0)']

output3 = [‘Zc’, 'H + Zv']

output4 = [‘Zd’, 'Zb + Hd']

output5 = [‘S’, 'Zc - Zd']

formulas = [output1,output2,output3,output4,output5]

myFunction = SymbolicFunction(inputs, formulas)


Is there another way of doing this ? Do you agree that the suggestion is worth 
being developed ?


Best regards,



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