Jose> My VE Node have its /28 network configured
 Jose> (public IPs) but Im using all the IPs in this range, I need more
 Jose> IPs for create new VPS. But the DataCenter dosn't have more IPs
 Jose> availables next to this range.

Ok. It does not matter if you do not have one range but several i.e. two
or more. It is the ISP's responsibility to route the traffic for your
public IPs to the HN (Hardware Node) that houses your VEs (Virtual

So, the way I see it, all you have to do is to tell your ISP (Internet
Service Provider) to do the routing and then you have to edit your VEs
config file appropriately.

For example, in case you would want one of your VEs (e.g. the one with
VEID 299) use the IP you go to /etc/vz/conf/299.conf and put
IP_ADDRESS="" in there.

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