
User Woet on the #openvz channel has a question I wasn't sure the answer to so 
I decided to ask here.

I believe he is running a Debian 5.x host node...using their 2.6.26.x-based 
kernel.  That offers cpuunits.  He is thinking about switching to the 
RHEL5-based kernel (assuming it'll work on Debian 5.x?) because it has cpulimit.

The scenario he gives is that if he has a 2GHz processor, he can divide it up 
more easily with cpulimits... affectively giving a container 1GHz worth of 
CPU... by assigning it 50%... whereas with cpuunits he says users seem to get 
more of the CPU than he wants.

The documentation tells how each works but doesn't really relate one to the 
other very well.

Would anyone care to explain how to best use cpuunits to do what Woet wants to 
do with cpulimit?

Scott Dowdle
704 Church Street
Belgrade, MT 59714
(406)388-0827 [home]
(406)994-3931 [work]
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