Hello Scott / others,

Thanks for responding.  I have good news for OpenVZ :-)

> /mnt isn't your private directory... it should be /mnt/777/private and of 
> course you need a root directory too.

I will admit that the description in the manual pages
about root and private has me confused... is it not true
that private is the already-mounted directory that will
be used as the root directory, and that this root directory
is the place where VZ will mount its own local work-copy?

But I found I also did something else wrong, namely to run
"vzctl create" instead of "vzctl start".  The latter works
fine, I found.  Silly me...

> So far as sharing files between containers in a CoW situation, Virtuozzo and 
> Linux-VServer offer those features, but OpenVZ does not.  It appears you are 
> trying to engineer your own solution.

Hmm, I've seen what VServer does, which is collecting parts
that are the same and then use CoW.  This is a de-duplication
service (that ZFS could also provide) but it is after-the-fact
re-assembly; I would rather build on a designed invariant that
certain parts share.  As explained I also hope to avoid running
repetitious upgrades.  The savings in disk space are very good,
with 900 MB for a good Debian Squeeze and 35 MB added for Apache
and PHP.  The buffer cache should share in the disk savings.  I
don't expect that the buffer cache would be shared between VMs
that share blocks with CoW (which isn't really sharing), but I'm
not sure.

> I don't know if what you want to do will work or not because I haven't tried 
> it.  Nor have I tried ZFS in Linux. I suspect it won't work though... but I 
> do wish you luck.

I have some encouraging figures to show that it does work!

Test run 1, just after reboot, based on empty1+squeeze and empty2+squeeze:

: root# time vzctl exec 777 find / > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
: real    0m16.013s
: user    0m0.264s
: sys     0m1.508s
: root# time vzctl exec 777 find / > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
: real    0m8.083s 
: user    0m0.120s
: sys     0m0.540s
: root# time vzctl exec 777 find / > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
: real    0m0.764s 
: user    0m0.056s
: sys     0m0.252s
: root# time vzctl exec 778 find / > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
: real    0m1.722s 
: user    0m0.076s
: sys     0m0.596s
: root# time vzctl exec 778 find / > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
: real    0m0.602s 
: user    0m0.052s
: sys     0m0.260s
: root# time vzctl exec 777 find / > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
: real    0m1.159s 
: user    0m0.060s
: sys     0m0.300s
: root# time vzctl exec 778 find / > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
: real    0m1.152s
: user    0m0.072s
: sys     0m0.296s

The values over 1s also show up after waiting a while, so it appears
to be caused by background processes that empty/reuse some of the
buffer cache, but this effect is the same as on a single machine:
the first find takes long, the next ones are a lot faster.  I am
not sure what to think of the second with its half-way timing though.

I think these figures warrant the statement that the buffer cache is
shared between VMs if the disk blocks are.  And that is a great saving
and a big advantage compared to the Qemu model used by KVM and Xen!
I suppose the maximum amount of OpenVZ VMs on a hardware machine just
got multiplied by ten or more?

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