
When I start Debian 7 containers with the '--wait' option, it does start
the CT, but the vzctl command never returns. The same works fine with
Debian 6 containers.

I figured that 'vzctl start CTID --wait' usually adds a line to the
CT's /etc/inittab:

vz:2345:once:touch /.vzfifo

However, such a line is never added to Debian 7 CTs. On Debian 6 CTs,
this line is automatically added whenever the CT is started, even if it
has been removed manually.

A work-around is to add the line manually to /etc/inittab, but I still
wonder why the automatism doesn't work for Debian 7 CTs. 


Kernel: 2.6.32-042stab081.3
vzctl: 4.2
Hostnode: Debian 7 amd64

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