did you try using source NAT as in

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s <VPN NETWORK>/24 -j SNAT --to-source <SERVER PUBLIC IP>


On 6/21/2014 1:47 AM, Rene C. wrote:
I got the openvpn part itself down, no problem, but getting it to work
in a container is a lot of hassle. Many pages, but most are outdated
and things keeps changing. Anyone know how to get it to work TODAY?

The server is an otherwise normal server with public ip addresses and
works with cpanel, no problem that far. The problem is getting an
openvpn service to work in it.

I've already added the tun device, and I can connect to the server
with the openvpn client, just can't continue from there, so some
routing is missing.

I've followed the general routing instructions but because openvz
doesn't support MASQ it doesn't work.

- which modules to insmod on the hwnode
- which modules to add into /etc/vz/vz.conf
- which modules to add into /etc/vz/<ct>.conf
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