Scott Dowdle <>
Wednesday, November 12, 2014 2:48 PM

----- Original Message -----

Performance issues aren't the only problem ploop solves... it also solves the changing inode issue. When a container is migrated from one host to another with simfs, inodes will change... and some services don't like that. Also because the size of a ploop disk image is fixed (although changeable), the fixed size acts as a quota... so you get your quota back if you turned it off.

For me, unless something changes, ZFS isn't a starter because almost no one ships with it because of licensing issues.

I'm assuming ZFS wouldn't have the inode issue if you used the ZFS functions in your migration. If you decided to use ZFS, you should probably use snapshotting, send, and receive during the migration rather than using vzmigrate. ZFS isn't going to be a drop-in replacement if you want to get the most out of it. The problem I have with it is the performance issues. During testing, I have had a lot of random performance issues and write overhead. ZoL (ZFS on Linux) just doesn't seem stable enough yet.

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