On 23.07.2015 3:45, Scott Dowdle wrote:

vzctl has a compact option that will basically take the free space
and give it back to the host.  I've used compact a few times but I
don't use it regularly... so I'm not sure how efficient it is nor
how good it is at reclaiming 100% of the unused space... but that is
what it is there for.  Sure, it is an extra step but at least it is

I use vzctl compact every night via cron, it is partially help,
but I can't continuously run vzctl compact at HN, and wasted space
inside CT will grow every time during day then container is running
and do something useful.

Regarding using ZFZ zvols and mounting them as XFS (or whatever
exactly it was you said)... can you install your VM's root filesystem
using that?

Why not? zvol is block device - it exported by host as block device
and inside VM this block device /dev/vda formatted as XFS filesystem
and used as any other block device, like /dev/sda on hardware node.
(via creating partitions on it, as it done with any other block device)
But this is most useful only for VMs (Linux,Windows,etc) using KVM.

Best regards,
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