Apologies, this won't appear in the correct thread, as I was not on this
mailing list until a few moments ago.

Scott Dowdle wrote:
> I haven't tried an exploit program on an OpenVZ Legacy host node to try.

I have successfully exploited a Legacy node, running kernel
2.6.32-042stab055.16 and then 2.6.32-042stab117.16. This was done using the
pokemon PoC from

I don't run the actual host, so I don't know how things work there, but I
can confirm that OpenVZ legacy nodes are vulnerable. Hopefully the patch
can be backported into official channels relatively quickly. I'm personally
not too concerned, as this is only a test bed for me, but anyone who runs
anything sensitive/critical on an OpenVZ system should be keeping a close
eye on it at the very least.

William Pettersson
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