
I'm ovirt node using the latest ovirt-node-iso-2.3.0-1.0.fc16.iso, and
having a problem with live migration

After fresh install of node 
listen_tls = 0
listen_tcp = 1
# tcp and tls ports are defaults
# tls_port = "16514"
#tcp_port = "16509"

[root@ovirt-h-6 ~]# netstat -ant |grep -E "16514|16509"
tcp        0      0     *

iptables is set to accept ALL

When migration is attempted - it then tries and fails to use tls 

2012-03-28 18:33:15.566+0000: 1622: error : doPeer2PeerMigrate:2129 :
operation failed: Failed to connect to remote libvirt URI

- manually configuring a registered/running node with listen_tls = 1,
migration will then succeed

- editing the live-cd and setting "listen_tls=1" , a fresh install then has
some problems
libvirtd fails  to start on install due to a certificate error (which am
guessing is installed as part of the node registration process with the
"Cannot read CA Certifcate /etc/pki/CA/cacert.pem"

This also causes the setting of hostname/network details to fail during the
automated installation; so this seems the wrong way to go

I'm not sure if the problem here is live migration shouldn't be using tls;
or that the node registration process should set "listen_tls=1" l; but isn't

Any assistance appreciated


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