I just tried to run engine-setup and got the following error.

[root@manager ~]# engine-setup
Error: current locale (en_AU.UTF-8) is not supported. supported locales are: en_US.UTF-8,en_US.utf-8,en_US.utf8 Please check log file /var/log/ovirt-engine/engine-setup_2012_04_23_09_07_53.log for more information

While I can easily change the locale settings on the box, I really think this is a bit of a crazy limitation as almost every other bit of software seems to assume en_AU = en_US as almost no software ends up creating an Australian localization for it. The character set is the same, the keyboards are the same, and I can't see any reason why en_AU (or say en_NZ) would cause a problem. The only differences I can think of are dates (DD/MM/YYYY vs MM/DD/YYYY) and the metric system.

What would need to be the process to fix this? Is this just because no one has been willing to test or it is a policy?

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