On Sep 20, 2012, at 12:07 , Dmitriy A Pyryakov wrote:

> Michal Skrivanek <michal.skriva...@redhat.com> написано 20.09.2012 16:02:11:
> > От: Michal Skrivanek <michal.skriva...@redhat.com>
> > Кому: Dmitriy A Pyryakov <dpyrya...@ekb.beeline.ru>
> > Копия: users@ovirt.org
> > Дата: 20.09.2012 16:02
> > Тема: Re: [Users] Fatal error during migration
> > 
> > Hi,
> > well, so what is the other side saying? Maybe some connectivity 
> > problems between those 2 hosts? firewall? 
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > michal
> Yes, firewall is not configured properly by default. If I stop it, migration 
> done.
> Thanks.
The default is supposed to be:

# oVirt default firewall configuration. Automatically generated by vdsm 
bootstrap script.
-A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
# vdsm
-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 54321 -j ACCEPT
# libvirt tls
-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 16514 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
# guest consoles
-A INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports 5634:6166 -j ACCEPT
# migration
-A INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports 49152:49216 -j ACCEPT
# snmp
-A INPUT -p udp --dport 161 -j ACCEPT
# Reject any other input traffic
-A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited
-A FORWARD -m physdev ! --physdev-is-bridged -j REJECT --reject-with 

did you change it manually or is the default missing anything?

> > On Sep 20, 2012, at 11:55 , Dmitriy A Pyryakov wrote:
> > 
> > > Hello,
> > > 
> > > I have two oVirt nodes ovirt-node-iso-2.5.0-2.0.fc17.
> > > 
> > > When I try to migrate VM from one host to another, I have an 
> > error: Migration failed due to Error: Fatal error during migration.
> > > 
> > > vdsm.log:
> > > Thread-3797::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:42:56,439::BindingXMLRPC::
> > 859::vds::(wrapper) client []::call vmMigrate with 
> > ({'src': '', 'dst': '', 'vmId': 
> > '2bf3e6eb-49e4-42c7-8188-fc2aeeae2e86', 'method': 'online'},) {} 
> > flowID [180ad979]
> > > Thread-3797::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:42:56,439::API::441::vds::
> > (migrate) {'src': '', 'dst': '', 
> > 'vmId': '2bf3e6eb-49e4-42c7-8188-fc2aeeae2e86', 'method': 'online'}
> > > Thread-3798::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:42:56,441::vm::122::vm.Vm::
> > (_setupVdsConnection) vmId=`2bf3e6eb-49e4-42c7-8188-
> > fc2aeeae2e86`::Destination server is:
> > > Thread-3797::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:42:56,441::BindingXMLRPC::
> > 865::vds::(wrapper) return vmMigrate with {'status': {'message': 
> > 'Migration process starting', 'code': 0}}
> > > Thread-3798::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:42:56,441::vm::124::vm.Vm::
> > (_setupVdsConnection) vmId=`2bf3e6eb-49e4-42c7-8188-
> > fc2aeeae2e86`::Initiating connection with destination
> > > Thread-3798::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:42:56,452::libvirtvm::
> > 240::vm.Vm::(_getDiskStats) vmId=`2bf3e6eb-49e4-42c7-8188-
> > fc2aeeae2e86`::Disk hdc stats not available
> > > Thread-3798::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:42:56,457::vm::170::vm.Vm::
> > (_prepareGuest) vmId=`2bf3e6eb-49e4-42c7-8188-
> > fc2aeeae2e86`::migration Process begins
> > > Thread-3798::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:42:56,475::vm::217::vm.Vm::(run)
> > vmId=`2bf3e6eb-49e4-42c7-8188-fc2aeeae2e86`::migration semaphore acquired
> > > Thread-3798::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:42:56,888::libvirtvm::
> > 427::vm.Vm::(_startUnderlyingMigration) 
> > vmId=`2bf3e6eb-49e4-42c7-8188-fc2aeeae2e86`::starting migration to 
> > qemu+tls://
> > > Thread-3799::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:42:56,889::libvirtvm::
> > 325::vm.Vm::(run) vmId=`2bf3e6eb-49e4-42c7-8188-
> > fc2aeeae2e86`::migration downtime thread started
> > > Thread-3800::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:42:56,890::libvirtvm::
> > 353::vm.Vm::(run) vmId=`2bf3e6eb-49e4-42c7-8188-
> > fc2aeeae2e86`::starting migration monitor thread
> > > Thread-3798::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:42:56,903::libvirtvm::
> > 340::vm.Vm::(cancel) vmId=`2bf3e6eb-49e4-42c7-8188-
> > fc2aeeae2e86`::canceling migration downtime thread
> > > Thread-3798::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:42:56,904::libvirtvm::
> > 390::vm.Vm::(stop) vmId=`2bf3e6eb-49e4-42c7-8188-
> > fc2aeeae2e86`::stopping migration monitor thread
> > > Thread-3799::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:42:56,904::libvirtvm::
> > 337::vm.Vm::(run) vmId=`2bf3e6eb-49e4-42c7-8188-
> > fc2aeeae2e86`::migration downtime thread exiting
> > > Thread-3798::ERROR::2012-09-20 09:42:56,905::vm::176::vm.Vm::
> > (_recover) vmId=`2bf3e6eb-49e4-42c7-8188-fc2aeeae2e86`::operation 
> > failed: Failed to connect to remote libvirt URI qemu+tls://192.168.
> > 10.12/system
> > > Thread-3798::ERROR::2012-09-20 09:42:56,977::vm::240::vm.Vm::(run)
> > vmId=`2bf3e6eb-49e4-42c7-8188-fc2aeeae2e86`::Failed to migrate
> > > Traceback (most recent call last):
> > > File "/usr/share/vdsm/vm.py", line 223, in run
> > > File "/usr/share/vdsm/libvirtvm.py", line 451, in 
> > > _startUnderlyingMigration
> > > File "/usr/share/vdsm/libvirtvm.py", line 491, in f
> > > File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/libvirtconnection.py",
> > line 82, in wrapper
> > > File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/libvirt.py", line 1034, 
> > in migrateToURI2
> > > libvirtError: operation failed: Failed to connect to remote 
> > libvirt URI qemu+tls://
> > > 
> > > Thread-3802::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:42:57,793::BindingXMLRPC::
> > 859::vds::(wrapper) client []::call vmGetStats with 
> > ('2bf3e6eb-49e4-42c7-8188-fc2aeeae2e86',) {}
> > > Thread-3802::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:42:57,793::libvirtvm::
> > 240::vm.Vm::(_getDiskStats) vmId=`2bf3e6eb-49e4-42c7-8188-
> > fc2aeeae2e86`::Disk hdc stats not available
> > > Thread-3802::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:42:57,794::BindingXMLRPC::
> > 865::vds::(wrapper) return vmGetStats with {'status': {'message': 
> > 'Done', 'code': 0}, 'statsList': [{'status': 'Up', 'username': 
> > 'Unknown', 'memUsage': '0', 'acpiEnable': 'true', 'pid': '22047', 
> > 'displayIp': '', 'displayPort': u'5912', 'session': 
> > 'Unknown', 'displaySecurePort': u'5913', 'timeOffset': '0', 'hash': 
> > '3018874162324753083', 'pauseCode': 'NOERR', 'clientIp': '', 
> > 'kvmEnable': 'true', 'network': {u'vnet6': {'macAddr': '00:1a:4a:a8:
> > 0a:08', 'rxDropped': '0', 'rxErrors': '0', 'txDropped': '0', 
> > 'txRate': '0.0', 'rxRate': '0.0', 'txErrors': '0', 'state': 
> > 'unknown', 'speed': '1000', 'name': u'vnet6'}}, 'vmId': 
> > '2bf3e6eb-49e4-42c7-8188-fc2aeeae2e86', 'displayType': 'qxl', 
> > 'cpuUser': '13.27', 'disks': {u'hdc': {'flushLatency': '0', 
> > 'readLatency': '0', 'writeLatency': '0'}, u'hda': {'readLatency': 
> > '6183805', 'apparentsize': '11811160064', 'writeLatency': '0', 
> > 'imageID': 'd96d19f6-5a28-4fef-892f-4a04549d4e38', 'flushLatency': 
> > '0', 'readRate': '271.87', 'truesize': '11811160064', 'writeRate': 
> > '0.00'}}, 'monitorResponse': '0', 'statsAge': '0.77', 'cpuIdle': 
> > '86.73', 'elapsedTime': '3941', 'vmType': 'kvm', 'cpuSys': '0.00', 
> > 'appsList': [], 'guestIPs': '', 'nice': ''}]}
> > > Thread-3803::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:42:57,869::BindingXMLRPC::
> > 859::vds::(wrapper) client []::call 
> > vmGetMigrationStatus with ('2bf3e6eb-49e4-42c7-8188-fc2aeeae2e86',) {}
> > > Thread-3803::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:42:57,870::BindingXMLRPC::
> > 865::vds::(wrapper) return vmGetMigrationStatus with {'status': 
> > {'message': 'Fatal error during migration', 'code': 12}}
> > > Dummy-1264::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:42:58,172::__init__::
> > 1249::Storage.Misc.excCmd::(_log) 'dd if=/rhev/data-center/
> > 332694bb-364a-434e-b23f-5fef985d3cbd/mastersd/dom_md/inbox 
> > iflag=direct,fullblock count=1 bs=1024000' (cwd None)
> > > Dummy-1264::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:42:58,262::__init__::
> > 1249::Storage.Misc.excCmd::(_log) SUCCESS: <err> = '1+0 records in
> > \n1+0 records out\n1024000 bytes (1.0 MB) copied, 0.0515109 s, 19.9 
> > MB/s\n'; <rc> = 0
> > > Dummy-1264::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:43:00,271::__init__::
> > 1249::Storage.Misc.excCmd::(_log) 'dd if=/rhev/data-center/
> > 332694bb-364a-434e-b23f-5fef985d3cbd/mastersd/dom_md/inbox 
> > iflag=direct,fullblock count=1 bs=1024000' (cwd None)
> > > Dummy-1264::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:43:00,362::__init__::
> > 1249::Storage.Misc.excCmd::(_log) SUCCESS: <err> = '1+0 records in
> > \n1+0 records out\n1024000 bytes (1.0 MB) copied, 0.0530171 s, 19.3 
> > MB/s\n'; <rc> = 0
> > > Thread-21::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:43:00,612::__init__::
> > 1249::Storage.Misc.excCmd::(_log) '/usr/bin/dd iflag=direct if=/dev/
> > 26187d25-bfcb-40c7-97d1-667705ad2223/metadata bs=4096 count=1' (cwd None)
> > > Thread-21::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:43:00,629::__init__::
> > 1249::Storage.Misc.excCmd::(_log) SUCCESS: <err> = '1+0 records in
> > \n1+0 records out\n4096 bytes (4.1 kB) copied, 0.000937698 s, 4.4 
> > MB/s\n'; <rc> = 0
> > > Thread-3805::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:43:01,901::task::
> > 588::TaskManager.Task::(_updateState) Task=`ff134ecc-5597-4a83-81d6-
> > e4f9804871ff`::moving from state init -> state preparing
> > > Thread-3805::INFO::2012-09-20 09:43:01,902::logUtils::
> > 37::dispatcher::(wrapper) Run and protect: repoStats(options=None)
> > > Thread-3805::INFO::2012-09-20 09:43:01,902::logUtils::
> > 39::dispatcher::(wrapper) Run and protect: repoStats, Return 
> > response: {'26187d25-bfcb-40c7-97d1-667705ad2223': {'delay': '0.
> > 0180931091309', 'lastCheck': 1348134180.825892, 'code': 0, 'valid': 
> > True}, '90104c3d-837b-47dd-8c82-dda92eec30d9': {'delay': '0.
> > 000955820083618', 'lastCheck': 1348134175.493277, 'code': 0, 'valid': True}}
> > > Thread-3805::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:43:01,902::task::
> > 1172::TaskManager.Task::(prepare) Task=`ff134ecc-5597-4a83-81d6-
> > e4f9804871ff`::finished: {'26187d25-bfcb-40c7-97d1-667705ad2223': 
> > {'delay': '0.0180931091309', 'lastCheck': 1348134180.825892, 'code':
> > 0, 'valid': True}, '90104c3d-837b-47dd-8c82-dda92eec30d9': {'delay':
> > '0.000955820083618', 'lastCheck': 1348134175.493277, 'code': 0, 
> > 'valid': True}}
> > > Thread-3805::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:43:01,902::task::
> > 588::TaskManager.Task::(_updateState) Task=`ff134ecc-5597-4a83-81d6-
> > e4f9804871ff`::moving from state preparing -> state finished
> > > Thread-3805::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:43:01,903::resourceManager::
> > 809::ResourceManager.Owner::(releaseAll) Owner.releaseAll requests 
> > {} resources {}
> > > Thread-3805::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:43:01,903::resourceManager::
> > 844::ResourceManager.Owner::(cancelAll) Owner.cancelAll requests {}
> > > Thread-3805::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:43:01,903::task::
> > 978::TaskManager.Task::(_decref) Task=`ff134ecc-5597-4a83-81d6-
> > e4f9804871ff`::ref 0 aborting False
> > > Thread-3806::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:43:01,931::libvirtvm::
> > 240::vm.Vm::(_getDiskStats) vmId=`540335f0-2269-4bc4-
> > aaf4-11bf5990013f`::Disk hdc stats not available
> > > Thread-3806::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:43:01,931::libvirtvm::
> > 240::vm.Vm::(_getDiskStats) vmId=`2c3af5f5-
> > f877-4e6b-8a34-05bbe78b3c82`::Disk hdc stats not available
> > > Thread-3806::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:43:01,932::libvirtvm::
> > 240::vm.Vm::(_getDiskStats) vmId=`0ac0dd3a-ae2a-4963-
> > adf1-918993031f6b`::Disk hdc stats not available
> > > Thread-3806::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:43:01,932::libvirtvm::
> > 240::vm.Vm::(_getDiskStats) vmId=`35a65bb8-cbca-4049-
> > a428-28914bcb094a`::Disk hdc stats not available
> > > Thread-3806::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:43:01,933::libvirtvm::
> > 240::vm.Vm::(_getDiskStats) vmId=`4ef3258c-0380-4919-991f-
> > ee7be7e9f7fa`::Disk hdc stats not available
> > > Thread-3806::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:43:01,933::libvirtvm::
> > 240::vm.Vm::(_getDiskStats) vmId=`252e6d46-f362-46aa-a7ed-
> > dd00a86af6f0`::Disk hdc stats not available
> > > Thread-3806::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:43:01,933::libvirtvm::
> > 240::vm.Vm::(_getDiskStats) vmId=`509e608c-e657-473a-b031-
> > f0811da96bde`::Disk hdc stats not available
> > > Thread-3806::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:43:01,934::libvirtvm::
> > 240::vm.Vm::(_getDiskStats) vmId=`2bf3e6eb-49e4-42c7-8188-
> > fc2aeeae2e86`::Disk hdc stats not available
> > > Dummy-1264::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:43:02,371::__init__::
> > 1249::Storage.Misc.excCmd::(_log) 'dd if=/rhev/data-center/
> > 332694bb-364a-434e-b23f-5fef985d3cbd/mastersd/dom_md/inbox 
> > iflag=direct,fullblock count=1 bs=1024000' (cwd None)
> > > Dummy-1264::DEBUG::2012-09-20 09:43:02,462::__init__::
> > 1249::Storage.Misc.excCmd::(_log) SUCCESS: <err> = '1+0 records in
> > \n1+0 records out\n1024000 bytes (1.0 MB) copied, 0.0525183 s, 19.5 
> > MB/s\n'; <rc> = 0
> > > 
> > > - -
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > Users mailing list
> > > Users@ovirt.org
> > > http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users
> > 

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