> It could be.  We have two similar cases now and this most recent case
> appears to have resolved the issue by creating the group 'kvm' on the 'node'
> (I think).
> Based, on that information I suspect that there could be a problem in VDSM
> wherein they are attempting to resolve the user/group by name (ie. vdsm/kvm)
> and are getting blocked when either that user doesn't exist or exists with a
> name != vdsm or kvm.  It might be apropos to have a look at the code and see
> if/where they're resolving uid/gid 36 and/or vdsm:kvm.
> Neil,
> - Can you explain where you created the 'kvm' group name? Was it on the
> node, oVirt engine, or the NFS server?
> - After you created this group did were the permisions on the files in the
> ISO domain (vdsm:kvm 0640) or were they (vdsm:kvm 0644 <- notice world read)

Sorry for the late reply.

Yes sure.

My oVirt engine is also the same system that is the NFS server,
because I'm using FC storage my only NFS server requirement at the
moment is for the ISO domain.

My /etc/group had a group name of "vdsm" assigned to gid "36" and all
I did was change the group name to "kvm".

The node/s(Centos 6.3 64bit dreyou repo) showed the nfs mount as user
"vdsm" but group "nobody"

Once I'd changed the group name I ran the following "chown -R 36:36
/iso-domain" despite an "ls -al" showing the correct owner(vdsm:kvm).
I then put my ISO domain into maintenance and checked that the nfs
share unmounted from the node/s and then re-activated it again, and
then the correct nfs group(kvm) was showing from the node/s.

Note that on this new ISO domain, I haven't modified the permissions
at all, only a "chown -R 36:36"  was run once, these are my
permissions at the moment...

"drwxr-xr-x.   3 vdsm kvm   4096 Oct 16 17:37 iso-domain"

if I go to the images folder these are the current permissions on the images...

-rw-r-----. 1 vdsm kvm 127926272 Oct 16 17:40

I hope this helps, please shout if you need any further info.


Neil Wilson.
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