On 10/23/2012 02:14 PM, Moran Goldboim wrote:
=== oVirt-Live-0.7.iso - beta version Oct 23th 2012 ===

wiki: http://wiki.ovirt.org/wiki/OVirt_Live

==== Download ====
[http://ovirt.org/releases/3.1/tools/oVirt-Live-0.7.iso download

Cool, I'll check it out. Might be worth considering making DeltaISOs between releases: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Delta_ISOs

2GB is a big dl, and I imagine there'll be more revs of this.

Also, is the kickstart file this is built from available?

Thanks, Jason

==== change-log ====
-changed wallpapers (thanks Garrett)

-oVirt-setup autostart added

-oVirt-enigne welcome screen (via firefox) after successful setup

-oVirt-setup terminal window stays open after setup (for debug needs)

-Disconnected installs - setup works without outside network connection
(packages wouldn't be updated by vsdm-bootstrap, yum reinstall
vdsm-bootstrap to workaround)

-wlan0 support in vdsm enabled (need someone to test it...)

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