Vijay Bellur wrote:
On 11/08/2012 03:55 PM, Joop wrote:
Continuing my quest for a system consisting of oVirt en gluster I came
across the following.
I'm using the latest nightlies and had tried something with gluster but
it didn't work out. So I tried starting over en did a stop on my gluster
volumes, that went OK, removed them, that went OK too.
Then I tried to create a nieuw Volume using the same name and same
location and got an unexpected exception. Look at the folder which had
contained the data I still see a .glusterfs folder but all other data is
gone. Ok.
Googling I found that the following two commands should give me the
ability to reuse that folder for glusterfs.
setfattr -x trusted.glusterfs.volume-id /gluster-data
setfattr -x trusted.gfid /gluster-data
Tried again from the webui and the volume was created and I could start it.
Stopped it, removed it and tried to recreate, same error. See the
attached logs.

This is expected behavior as you need to be careful while re-using bricks across different volume types. You can actually have a striped volume and use a brick from there to create a replicated volume after the striped volume has been deleted. If the brick contains data from the striped volume, then the results of accessing such a volume from a client mount point would not be desirable. xattr removals are necessary so that the admin is aware of the consequences of re-using bricks across different volume types.

Sounds sensible but I haven't found it documented anywhere, even on I couldn't find it. Is it possible to catch this error and present it to the admin telling him what todo and why. Unexpected error is a bit errr unexpected ;-)


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