On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 5:06 PM, Alon Bar-Lev  wrote:

Installed nightly build (rebased on 3.2)
So now I managed to run

- engine-setup

It detected previous install so I exited
Welcome to oVirt Engine setup utility

WARNING: oVirt Engine setup has already been run on this host.
To remove all configuration and reset oVirt Engine please run engine-cleanup.
Please be advised that executing engine-setup without cleanup is not supported.
Would you like to proceed? (yes|no): no
Installation stopped, Goodbye.

- engine-cleanup

It gave errore in relation to the db where it didn't find some objects
(sue to cration failur in 3.1 I presume...)

WARNING: Executing oVirt Engine cleanup utility.
This utility will wipe all existing data including configuration
settings, certificates and database.
In addition, all existing DB connections will be closed.
Would you like to proceed? (yes|no): yes

Stopping ovirt-engine service...                         [ DONE ]
Removing Database...                                   [ ERROR ]
Removing CA...                                           [ DONE ]
Stopping engine-notifierd service...                     [DONE ]

Cleanup finished with errors, please see log file
Error: failed to clear active DB connections
Cleanup log available at

from this file:
2012-12-05 14:56:54::DEBUG::common_utils::390::root:: Executing
command --> '/usr/bin/psql -U postgres -c SELECT pg_terminate_
backend(procpid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname = 'engine''
2012-12-05 14:56:54::DEBUG::common_utils::428::root:: output =
2012-12-05 14:56:54::DEBUG::common_utils::429::root:: stderr = ERROR:
column "procpid" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT pg_terminate_backend(procpid) FROM pg_stat_activity W...

2012-12-05 14:56:54::DEBUG::common_utils::430::root:: retcode = 1
2012-12-05 14:56:54::ERROR::engine-cleanup::408::root:: Traceback
(most recent call last):
  File "/bin/engine-cleanup", line 402, in runFunc
  File "/bin/engine-cleanup", line 308, in drop
  File "/usr/share/ovirt-engine/scripts/common_utils.py", line 1004,
in clearDbConnections
    execCmd(cmdList=cmd, failOnError=True,
msg=output_messages.ERR_DB_CONNECTIONS_CLEAR, envDict=getPgPassEnv())
  File "/usr/share/ovirt-engine/scripts/common_utils.py", line 433, in execCmd
    raise Exception(msg)
Exception: Error: failed to clear active DB connections

- Manually dropped "engine" db

- engine-cleanup again

It completed successfully:
WARNING: Executing oVirt Engine cleanup utility.
This utility will wipe all existing data including configuration
settings, certificates and database.
In addition, all existing DB connections will be closed.
Would you like to proceed? (yes|no): yes

Stopping ovirt-engine service...                         [DONE ]
Removing CA...                                           [ DONE ]
Stopping engine-notifierd service...                     [DONE ]

Cleanup finished successfully!
Cleanup log available at

- engine-setup

Now it gives error at NFS point
AIO: Validating CPU Compatibility...                               [ DONE ]
AIO: Adding firewall rules...                                      [ DONE ]
Configuring oVirt-engine...                                        [ DONE ]
Configuring JVM...                                                 [ DONE ]
Creating CA...                                                     [ DONE ]
Updating ovirt-engine service...                                   [ DONE ]
Setting Database Configuration...                                  [ DONE ]
Setting Database Security...                                       [ DONE ]
Creating Database...                                               [ DONE ]
Updating the Default Data Center Storage Type...                   [ DONE ]
Editing oVirt Engine Configuration...                              [ DONE ]
Editing Postgresql Configuration...                                [ DONE ]
Configuring the Default ISO Domain...                           [ ERROR ]
Failed to configure NFS share on this host
Please check log file
/var/log/ovirt-engine/engine-setup_2012_12_05_14_58_43.log for more

In logfile
2012-12-05 15:00:28::DEBUG::common_utils::429::root:: stderr =
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start  rpcbind.service

2012-12-05 15:00:28::DEBUG::common_utils::430::root:: retcode = 0
2012-12-05 15:00:28::DEBUG::common_utils::390::root:: Executing
command --> '/sbin/chkconfig nfs-server on'
2012-12-05 15:00:28::DEBUG::common_utils::428::root:: output =
2012-12-05 15:00:28::DEBUG::common_utils::429::root:: stderr = Note:
Forwarding request to 'systemctl enable nfs-server.servic
ln -s '/usr/lib/systemd/system/nfs-server.service'

2012-12-05 15:00:28::DEBUG::common_utils::430::root:: retcode = 0
2012-12-05 15:00:28::DEBUG::common_utils::1163::root:: stopping nfs-server
2012-12-05 15:00:28::DEBUG::common_utils::1200::root:: executing
action nfs-server on service stop
2012-12-05 15:00:28::DEBUG::common_utils::390::root:: Executing
command --> '/sbin/service nfs-server stop'
2012-12-05 15:00:28::DEBUG::common_utils::428::root:: output =
2012-12-05 15:00:28::DEBUG::common_utils::429::root:: stderr =
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl stop  nfs-server.service

2012-12-05 15:00:28::DEBUG::common_utils::430::root:: retcode = 0
2012-12-05 15:00:28::DEBUG::common_utils::1153::root:: starting nfs-server
2012-12-05 15:00:28::DEBUG::common_utils::1200::root:: executing
action nfs-server on service start
2012-12-05 15:00:28::DEBUG::common_utils::390::root:: Executing
command --> '/sbin/service nfs-server start'
2012-12-05 15:00:28::DEBUG::common_utils::428::root:: output =
2012-12-05 15:00:28::DEBUG::common_utils::429::root:: stderr =
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start  nfs-server.service
A dependency job for nfs-server.service failed. See 'journalctl -n' for details.

2012-12-05 15:00:28::DEBUG::common_utils::430::root:: retcode = 1
2012-12-05 15:00:28::ERROR::engine-setup::1674::root:: Traceback (most
recent call last):
  File "/bin/engine-setup", line 1672, in _startNfsServices
  File "/usr/share/ovirt-engine/scripts/common_utils.py", line 1158, in start
    raise Exception(output_messages.ERR_FAILED_START_SERVICE % self.name)
Exception: Error: Can't start the nfs-server service

2012-12-05 15:00:28::ERROR::engine-setup::1612::root:: Traceback (most
recent call last):
  File "/bin/engine-setup", line 1598, in _configNfsShare
  File "/bin/engine-setup", line 1675, in _startNfsServices
    raise Exception(output_messages.ERR_FAILED_TO_START_NFS_SERVICE)
Exception: Failed to start the NFS services

# journalctl -n
-- Logs begin at Wed, 2012-12-05 12:12:16 CET, end at Wed, 2012-12-05
15:01:02 CET. --
Dec 05 15:00:29 f18aio.localdomain.local kernel: SELinux: initialized
(dev nfsd, type nfsd), uses genfs_contexts
Dec 05 15:00:29 f18aio.localdomain.local kernel: NFSD: Using
/var/lib/nfs/v4recovery as the NFSv4 state recovery directory
Dec 05 15:00:29 f18aio.localdomain.local kernel: NFSD: starting
90-second grace period
Dec 05 15:01:01 f18aio.localdomain.local CROND[14412]: (root) CMD
(run-parts /etc/cron.hourly)
Dec 05 15:01:01 f18aio.localdomain.local
run-parts(/etc/cron.hourly)[14415]: starting 0anacron
Dec 05 15:01:01 f18aio.localdomain.local
run-parts(/etc/cron.hourly)[14421]: finished 0anacron
Dec 05 15:01:01 f18aio.localdomain.local
run-parts(/etc/cron.hourly)[14423]: starting mcelog.cron
Dec 05 15:01:01 f18aio.localdomain.local
run-parts(/etc/cron.hourly)[14427]: finished mcelog.cron
Dec 05 15:01:02 f18aio.localdomain.local
run-parts(/etc/cron.hourly)[14429]: starting vdsm-logrotate
Dec 05 15:01:02 f18aio.localdomain.local
run-parts(/etc/cron.hourly)[14435]: finished vdsm-logrotate

# systemctl status nfs-server.service
nfs-server.service - NFS Server
 Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/nfs-server.service; enabled)
 Active: active (exited) since Wed, 2012-12-05 15:00:29 CET; 54min ago
Process: 14396 ExecStartPost=/usr/lib/nfs-utils/scripts/nfs-server.postconfig
(code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 14377 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd $RPCNFSDARGS $RPCNFSDCOUNT
(code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 14372 ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/exportfs -r (code=exited,
Process: 14366 ExecStartPre=/usr/lib/nfs-utils/scripts/nfs-server.preconfig
(code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 CGroup: name=systemd:/system/nfs-server.service

Dec 05 15:00:28 f18aio.localdomain.local systemd[1]: Starting NFS Server...
Dec 05 15:00:28 f18aio.localdomain.local systemd[1]: Dependency failed
for NFS Server.

In /var/log/messages:
Dec  5 15:00:28 f18aio systemd[1]: Starting NFS Server...
Dec  5 15:00:28 f18aio mount[14364]: mount: unknown filesystem type 'rpc_pipefs'
Dec  5 15:00:28 f18aio systemd[1]: var-lib-nfs-rpc_pipefs.mount mount
process exited, code=exited status=32
Dec  5 15:00:28 f18aio systemd[1]: Failed to mount RPC Pipe File System.
Dec  5 15:00:28 f18aio systemd[1]: Dependency failed for NFS Server.
Dec  5 15:00:28 f18aio systemd[1]: Dependency failed for NFS Remote
Quota Server.
Dec  5 15:00:28 f18aio systemd[1]: Job nfs-rquotad.service/start
failed with result 'dependency'.
Dec  5 15:00:28 f18aio systemd[1]: Dependency failed for NFS Mount Daemon.
Dec  5 15:00:28 f18aio systemd[1]: Job nfs-mountd.service/start failed
with result 'dependency'.
Dec  5 15:00:28 f18aio systemd[1]: Dependency failed for NFSv4 ID-name
mapping daemon.
Dec  5 15:00:28 f18aio systemd[1]: Job nfs-idmap.service/start failed
with result 'dependency'.
Dec  5 15:00:28 f18aio systemd[1]: Job nfs-server.service/start failed
with result 'dependency'.
Dec  5 15:00:28 f18aio systemd[1]: Unit var-lib-nfs-rpc_pipefs.mount
entered failed state
Dec  5 15:00:28 f18aio kernel: RPC: Registered named UNIX socket
transport module.
Dec  5 15:00:28 f18aio kernel: RPC: Registered udp transport module.
Dec  5 15:00:28 f18aio kernel: RPC: Registered tcp transport module.
Dec  5 15:00:28 f18aio kernel: RPC: Registered tcp NFSv4.1 backchannel
transport module.
Dec  5 15:00:28 f18aio kernel: Installing knfsd (copyright (C) 1996
Dec  5 15:00:29 f18aio systemd[1]: Mounted RPC Pipe File System.
Dec  5 15:00:28 f18aio kernel: NFSD: Using /var/lib/nfs/v4recovery as
the NFSv4 state recovery directory
Dec  5 15:00:28 f18aio kernel: NFSD: starting 90-second grace period

what to do?

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