tis 2013-01-08 klockan 01:18 -0500 skrev Yair Zaslavsky:
Keith summed things quite right as far as I know (I did not know about the 
range allocated to Qumranet)
From code perspective - We have a MacPoolManager infrastructure which holds a 
pool of Mac addresses, and per deletion of VM, the mac address is returned to 
the pool.
Which means that if you set up two oVirt systems independantly; one for 
production and one for testing, you will get collisions?



From: "Keith Robertson" <krobe...@redhat.com>
To: "Jonathan Horne" <jho...@skopos.us>
Cc: "users" <users@ovirt.org>
Sent: Tuesday, January 8, 2013 5:15:04 AM
Subject: Re: [Users] mac address re-use

On 01/07/2013 05:22 PM, Jonathan Horne wrote:

my 3.2 install seems to be reusing mac address of formerly-deleted guests.  is 
this the normal behavior, and or can i turn this off?  i would prefer to have a 
unique mac address for each new VM created.



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I believe re-use is intentional.  I suspect oVirt uses the IEEE [1] space 
allocated to Qumranet and that space is relatively small.  There were previous 
discussions on the list regarding the probability of collisions/exhaustion, 
IIRC.  In any case, you want re-use to prevent the possibility of exhaustion 
and because a program shouldn't just go randomly creating addresses from any 
available OUI block.


[1] http://standards.ieee.org/develop/regauth/oui/public.html

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